Two-Day Beginner Intensive Workshop: January 25 & 26

Sign Up

$80.00 Intensive (Both Days)
$50.00 Intensive (Single Day)

Our Two-Day Beginner Intensive offers a fun and efficient way to jump-start your tango, in the course of one weekend. The Intensive covers the basics of tango movement and communication in a friendly environment in which everyone tries both roles.

No experience or partner necessary!

Saturday & Sunday, January 25 & 26
2-4 pm each day

If you are starting out, please plan to take both Saturday & Sunday classes.  If you have completed our beginner program in the past, you are welcome to take a single day.

Please bring socks to dance in, or shoes that have smooth soles for easy and safe pivoting.

Special Offer: Full Intensive registrants receive FREE ENTRANCE to Milonga Qilombo (and the pre-milonga class) on Saturday, January 25.

Andres Amarilla