2022 Philadelphia Tango Festival

$190.00 Beginner Pass
$145.00 Saturday Pass


We will be accepting walk-ins, however.  You can find a chart of available passes & tickets with at-the-door pricing here: https://www.philadelphiatangofestival.com/registration.

The 2022 Philadelphia Tango Festival is special in many ways:

- It highlights the contributions of women in tango with an all-female teaching cast, and a DJ line-up which is all women (with the exception of the late-night milonga).

- It features AMAZING live music with a different band playing every night.

- We'll hear live music in the milongas, and it will be exceptionally danceable, but we'll also get to enjoy seated concerts where we can focus on new compositions and other beyond-the-dance-floor tango repertoire.

- It will be the first time that the Duo Villarreal-Crom performs in the U.S.!

If you haven't yet, make sure to check out the festival website for complete information on this amazing four-day event: www.philadelphiatangofestival.com.

Philadelphia Argentine Tango School Staff