Celebrating Ignacio's Birthday in the Palermo Fishtown Milonga: Live Music by Emiliano & Sergio

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$25.00 Live Music Milonga with contribution
$15.00 Live Music Milonga
$10.00 Palermo Fishtown Milonga

Don't miss a special Palermo Fishtown Milonga, celebrating Ignacio's 50th birthday!  This will party #4 of 4 - the last big hurrah for his 50th!  The first two were in Mar del Plata, Argentina, the third in Buenos Aires, and finally the party comes to Fishtown!  Please join us.  We'll have live music by pianist Emiliano Messiez & violinist Sergio Reyes, and DJ Meredith.  Two classes precede the milonga, as always.

Footage from this event will be incorporated into a piece that Telemundo is preparing on Ignacio's stroke and recovery, and specifically how tango has propelled his recovery forward at a remarkable pace.  So come out to be famous, haha!

On live music nights, we ask that everyone pay for the milonga, even if they also have paid for a class.

Pricing: $10-25+ (Donations above $25 really help us to make these live music events continually viable)